Cloud computing has completely transformed and revolutionised the corporate world, playing an essential role in business growth and expansion.

Even though the concept is nothing new, many people have questions about services, models and benefits. If you are a beginner in the world of cloud services or are just curious about the possibilities of incorporating them into your business, this article is for you.

What are cloud services? 

As the name suggests, cloud services are not a product but a service. When hiring this service, your company doesn't need to buy a license or software but will contract a provider offering you a set of features.

Cloud computing allows IT departments to use solutions remotely without the need for specific hardware. Cloud services can help companies develop, migrate or launch products quickly and easily.

Cloud services have several uses, about which you can learn more below.

Virtual Servers

Instead of buying servers or worrying about how much space they might take, you can hire a cloud service provider with a cloud server.

Virtual servers are more efficient, safer and cheaper than buying your own server.

Data storage

With cloud services, files and documents can be easily stored remotely. As a result, they are constantly available online and can be accessed from any device connected to the internet.

The main advantage of having your files in the cloud is not to depend on one specific device to access them.


Cloud computing software means your company no longer needs to buy licenses. Often, software needs to be installed on a specific computer, meaning only one person can use it on one machine. With the cloud, you pay for the services you use and can access that software from anywhere and on any device.

Software development

Any collaborative work can benefit from cloud services. When it comes to software development, the cloud offers developing platforms that are safe and robust, allowing you to share relevant information between teams.

Cloud service models

The cloud service industry is divided into three different models, depending on the need or type of infrastructure required for each company.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

In the IaaS model, a company hires a hardware capacity corresponding to its memory, storage and processing needs.

With this cloud service model, the company might require servers, routers or other necessary equipment, paying a fee for the number of servers used or the amount of data stored.

The main advantage of the IaaS model is its scalability. Since you only pay for what you use, IaaS allows you to start small and slowly increase your storage capacity. For this very reason, this is the perfect model for small and medium enterprises or companies with a seasonal peak. For instance, stores that sell more or increase the number of products they offer around Mother's Day or Easter can increase their storage needs for just that period and return to a minor service once the peak is over.

The IaaS model is not recommended for businesses dealing with a large quantity of sensitive data.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

The Platform as a Service model is ideal for developers. It allows companies to create, host and manage applications in the cloud, providing a platform for companies to work on their own software or app according to their needs.

One of the main benefits of the PaaS model is that managing and updating the infrastructure is the responsibility of the cloud service provider. Clients will have access to every necessary tool to develop their software.

The model also allows people to work simultaneously on the same project.

There are better options than PaaS for companies that need to use a specific software or hardware or companies that plan to one day move to a different type of cloud service, as they might find challenges with the programming language of their created applications.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

The SaaS model is the most common and the one most people are already familiar with. Software as a Service is the case of Office 365 and One Drive services.

It works because the user will buy a license to access software on the cloud. Usually, clients will pay a fee according to their needs and software usage.

SaaS models work on the cloud, which means you can access the software from anywhere and any device connected to the internet. Users can then work from an internet browser.

One of the main advantages of working with a SaaS model is its easy use and scale-up. There are no maintenance or installation costs for companies, with the service quickly available on the cloud. Most companies also provide a trial period, in which you and your employees can see if the model meets your needs.

The model is ideal for small companies and optimises short-term projects. However, it is not suitable for businesses that require storing sensitive data or need fast data processing.

Cloud service classification

Now that you understand more about the models available for cloud service, we can dive into the classification differences between them. The IaaS and the PaaS models can be divided into three different categories of cloud services, which we explain below.


A public cloud service makes everything available online and allows it to be shared between users. Every person working with this service will have access to the same resources.

This is a cost-effective service, offering general solutions rather than specific ones. Companies needing specific features or help might find the public cloud limiting.

When opting for the public cloud service, it is important to note the law and regulations regarding data privacy, as not every service allows the use of public networks.


The private cloud has the same functionalities as the public cloud. However, instead of running on a public server, the private cloud is connected to a private server owned by the company. As a result, companies have exclusive access to the server, keeping documents and files safe and confidential.

The main advantage of using a private cloud service is customising the service according to your needs. Since it is designed exclusively for your company, this category of cloud can be adapted to the goals and necessities of your business.

Investing in a private cloud service can be costly, as it requires your own server, managing and installing every aspect of this service.


As the name suggests, the hybrid cloud combines private and public categories. It can use some resources privately, while others features will be accessed publicly.

A hybrid cloud is an excellent option for businesses trying to find a balance between the security of a private cloud with the cost-effectiveness of the public version.

Benefits of cloud services

Cloud computing has completely changed the corporate sector and can provide a series of benefits for businesses in different industries.

Cost reduction

Cloud services allow companies to access several features and infrastructure possibilities without significant investments.

Using cloud services lead to cost reduction without affecting performance, as companies can save on servers, software and infrastructure.


Using cloud services means companies need to worry less about maintaining and installing software and technological capabilities. As a result, companies can focus more on their actual businesses.

Innovation and scalability

Innovation and growth require significant investment. With cloud services, you can easily adapt your infrastructure or software according to your needs.

The speed at which cloud services evolve and update also means your company is always utilising the most modern technologies.

<H3> Security

The cloud is safe and can offer many resources to protect your files and documents. Storing data in hardware can expose your company to risks such as loss of documents, theft and unauthorised access.

With the cloud, your documents are only accessible by authorised individuals, and the system automatically backs up everything you might need.

How to implement cloud services in your company

Now that you understand the possibilities and benefits of cloud services, you might be interested in adopting one of these models in your organisation.

Before jumping into a new trend or making decisions that could drastically change your business, you should consider a few things.

Check what you need

For every business decision, you must be fully aware of what you need. With cloud computing, it is no different.

Since each model and category fits a different purpose, make sure you hire a cloud service compatible with your goals and necessities. Study your processes, your business routines, and what you need to comply with and then invest in the model that will help you improve your activities.

Consider privacy and security

Privacy and data storage are essential concerns depending on the sector your company operates in or your business' necessities. The cloud service model you decide to hire will be heavily influenced by your privacy needs.

Security should also be a concern when moving to cloud computing. Even though working on the cloud is much safer than relying on hardware, you should always be aware of the risks of the services you hire before making a decision.

Find a supplier

A cloud service supplier will play an essential role in the success of your business. Therefore, make sure you research and find a supplier that can meet your cloud computing needs.

Choose a company with a reputation in the market and analyse if their solutions are right for you. Customer support, flexibility, scalability and security are some of the key issues you should pay attention to.

Contact Stratiis to find out more about what we can offer your company.

Final thoughts

Cloud computing is the future, and you probably already work with cloud services. Think of Google, Spotify or Instagram. Therefore, it makes sense to incorporate these solutions into your business.

Services are available for every possible need: IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. One of them will fit your business goals and expectations.

Finding the right supplier is essential in transitioning to cloud computing, so make sure you choose wisely. Contact us to learn more about our cloud services and how we can help you.